
Information Media Serving the Public

Information Media Serving the Public

Harris Interactive reports that adults in the US referred to the television (78%) and the radio (15%) as their primary source of information after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Harris polled 4,610 online adults between 11 September and 12 September 2001 and asked them what sources they used to obtain attack information. 64% mentioned the internet as one of the sources they used.

Sources in US for Information Regarding Terrorist Attacks, September ll, 2001 (% of respondents)

  +------------------------+-----------+---------+  |                        |  Primary  |  Used   |  |                        |  Source   | Source  |
+------------------------+-----------+---------+  | Television             |    76%    |   97%   |  | Radio                  |    15     |   76    |  | Internet               |     3     |   64    |
| Talk With Other People |     3     |   66    |  | Newspaper              |           |   16    |  | Other                  |           |    5    |  +------------------------+-----------+---------+
Source: Harris Interactive 9/2001

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