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Scribd's Pull- Back On SEO Sinks Online Traffic

Patricio Robles summarizes a TechCrunch report where Trip Adler, CEO for the online document sharing service Scribd, says the company knowingly made some changes to its too-aggressive, SEO strategy that it expected would decrease traffic. Well, traffic fell nearly 50% since June. Robles calls the decline the "SEO equivalent of a stock market crash."

Robles notes, "It's unclear whether Scribd voluntarily made changes that have caused traffic to halve or whether it was smacked by Google (or knew a smackdown was in the offing). Personally, I think the latter is more likely. After all, Scribd's tactics and popularity with SEO spammers produced a result that was not beneficial to Google's users: highly-ranked pages that lack relevancy."

Read the whole story at Econsultancy »

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