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Searching For San Francisco's Skateboarding Policy

Bill Slawski points to a YouTube video of a youth in San Francisco being arrested for skateboarding within the city limits. Evidently, it's against the law to skateboard within the city limits. Well, at least that's what the police officer told the skateboarder. But the city's SEO's strategy and Web site search engine are so poorly organized and optimized that even Slawski had a difficult time finding a searchable version of the municipal code relating to rules on skateboarding.

From the information online that Slawski managed to find, it might not be illegal to ride a skateboard in some areas of the San Francisco, "though the laws prohibit riding on the sidewalk and streets in a Business District at any time." He goes into more detail on his findings, along with the San Francisco Municipal Code, which actually refers to skateboards as a "non-motorized user-propelled vehicle."

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