eCommerce Hot Topics At Search Insider Summit

Day 2: Kenshoo Managing Director Geoffrey Shenk led the group discussion on ecommece following the Friday morning sessions at the MediaPost Search Insider Summit in Captiva, Fla. Shenk gave us some hot topics to think about:

1) Get out of bottom funnel idea of last click getting all credit?

2) Will tracking/privacy changes make us reliant on it again?

3) Bing Answer: If you know the purchases you can use Comscore topic analysis over 60 days for latency periods.

4) Addicted to the ROI measurement over broader marketing tactics that influence direct response (e.g branding, social, engagement, etc.)

5) New Funnel funnels visitors to site and then flips to retarget

6) Get access to execs to sell them on the new ideas of getting upper funnel strategies

7) Try small market saturation test 8) Disney Stores: Did awareness campaign despite what execs wanted and it created sustained lift

9) Has to be a long term top-down buy in

10) If Macy's Doesn't have a product in the store, but can't find it, they'll send it to you?

11) How do you prevent people customers for search for a better deal in retail stores at other locations

12 Companies Trying to Stop It Directly: Covering UPC's and trying to stop people

14 Innovation in Online Checkout

15) ShopRunner trying to copy Amazon Prime

16 Physical retailers are getting outmaneuvered by online retailers that encourage people to try/touch/products in person but buy online

17) People selling personal information in exchange for a cut of action from use of their data

18) Bing: Teens managing their data by talking in coded communications

19) Social Sign-on to check out (e.g. Gigya) with one login across multiple sites

And within privacy concerns:1) Having networks own your data at those levels could be very scary

2) Young people trending to not care

3) Visa/Mastercard networks have the highest security levels so they may be best suited to hold your data

4) Will we be able to communicate the value of tracking to people that are skeptic of use of private data

5) Are consumers more fearful of companies having their data or of hackers or the government having their data?

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