
Why Do Consumers Opt-in and Opt-out of Email Marketing?

Why Do Consumers Opt-in and Opt-out of Email Marketing?

A recent summary report by eMarketer shows that sweepstakes are a primary motivating factor in getting consumers to sign up for email marketing campaigns. The Quris survey of 1,691 US e-mail users from a panel of 2.4 million who have agreed to respond to occasional e-mail surveys, found that too much is not qood and existing customers are prime prospects.

Factors that Motivate US Consumers to Sign Up for email Programs (% of respondents)

  • Sweepstakes or chance to win 41%
  • Already customer/favorably predisposed 40%
  • E-Mail address required to access valued content 38%
  • Found site randomly (search engine) 37%
  • Friend recommendation 24%
    Source: Quris, Sept 2003

    The study found that 68% of e-mail users are turned off by messages that come too frequently. More than 50% just plain lost interest, and over one-third find the messages "boring."

    Factors that Drive US Consumers Away from E-Mail Programs (% of respondents)

  • E-Mails come too frequently 68%
  • Lost interest in product/service/topic 51%
  • E-Mails generally boring 35%
  • E-Mails offered no significant value 34%
  • Suspected company of sharing address 30%
    Source: Quris, Sept 2003

    The Quris study suggests personalization, relevancy and quality service as goals for e-mail marketers.

    You can find out more here at eMarketer.

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