
Hey, Sports Fans. It's Football Time!

Hey, Sports Fans. It's Football Time!

A special ComScore release, featuring the NFL season kickoff, provides some timely insight, noting that though the Sports category has traditionally relied on advertising dollars, dynamic content, such as game highlights and video not available on TV, as well as hugely popular online fantasy leagues, are providing important new revenue streams.

48 million Americans visited a site in the Sports category and data show that Sports content is extremely popular among workplace Internet users. More than 38 percent of the at-work Internet population visited a Sports site in July (compared to 27 percent for at-home and 31 percent for university Internet users).

Sports Category Unique Visitors (x000)
July 2003

All LocationsHome WorkUniversity
Total Internet Users 147,455127,80348,99310,319
Sports Category 47,95834,26618,6453,195
ESPN 16,69510,7247,6401,223
MLB.COM7,8765,3562,757 485
Yahoo! Sports7,845 5,6213,086 550 Sites7,6555,424 2,586357
AOL Proprietary Sports7,382 5,4451,996336
SI.COM5,377 3,3582,314297
NBA Internet Network4,0912,4831,625 364
NASCAR.COM4,0143,1191,216 166
OCSN.COM2,0271,214725 196

Source: comScore Media Metrix

Average weekly visitation to the NFL Internet Group, which includes as well as individual sites for every team in the league, increased by 94 percent in the first three weeks of August versus the previous six weeks. It appears that Sports fans' focus on football may have come at the expense of other major sports leagues - and the NBA Internet Group saw declines of 13 and 36 percent respectively. Yahoo! Sports, a popular destination among NFL fantasy league participants, experienced a nine percent increase in traffic in the same period.

Sports Category
Average Weekly Unique Visitors (x000)
First Three Weeks of August vs. Previous Six Weeks

6 Weeks Ending Aug. 33 Weeks Ending Aug. 24 % Change
Total Internet Users126,184124,469 -1%
Sports Category24,054 24,1360%
ESPN 7,440 6,695-10%
Yahoo! Sports 4,026 4,3719%
NFL Internet Group2,1564,17294% Sites3,0443,0621%
AOL Proprietary Sports2,9842,833-5%
SI.COM 1,894 1,875-1%
NBA Internet Network1,6971,092-36%
OCSN.COM 64394146%

Source: comScore Media Metrix

An average of more than 300,000 Internet users per week visited between August 4th and August 24th. The Pittsburgh Steelers and Green Bay Packers - teams well known for their highly loyal and active fan bases - were the second and third most popular NFL team sites in the first three weeks of August.

Top 15 NFL Team Sites
Average Weekly Unique Visitors (000)
First Three Weeks of August vs. Previous Six Weeks

6 Weeks Ending Aug. 33 Weeks Ending Aug. 24 % Change
Total Internet Users126,184124,469-1%
NFL Internet Group 2,1564,17294%
Steelers.Com98 209113%
Packers.Com150 23557%
Clevelandbrowns.Com 81169110%
Detroitlions.Com 9114862%
Redskins.Com 80165106%
Buffalobills.Com 47125166%
49ers.Com 75168123%
Stlouisrams.Com 48103116%
Newenglandpatriots.Com78 14080%
Denverbroncos.Com 618844%

Source: comScore Media Metrix

The extent to which male Internet users visit the Sports category while at work suggests Sports content provides an attractive reprieve from the daily grind for many. Nearly 42 percent of male at-work Internet users visited a Sports site in July, and those who did spent an average of 77 minutes per month at sites in the category.

Sports Category Male Internet Users
at U.S. Work Locations July 2003

Unique Visitors (x000)% ReachAverage Minutes Per Visitor
Total Male Internet Users at Work25,042100%1,841
Sports Category10,52742%77
ESPN 4,36917% 45
Yahoo! Sports 2,1379%104 Sites1,6697%32
SI.COM 1,4046%10
NFL Internet Group1,2105%21
AOL Proprietary Sports1,1215%10
NBA Internet Network9274%22
NASCAR.COM 7593%17
USATODAY Sports6243%7

Source: comScore Media Metrix

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