August: U.S. Consumers Watched Nearly 38 Billion Web Videos

Streaming-VideoAnother month, another record for online video viewership. The most recent comScore data reports that an all-time high of 188 million U.S. consumers watched an estimated 38 billion Web videos in August.
Americans viewed 9.5 billion video ads last month, with each of the top four video ad properties delivering more than 1 billion ads each. Overall, video ads reached 54% of the total U.S. population an average of 58 times during the month.
Google Sites ranked first with more than 1.7 billion ads, followed by BrightRoll Video Network with 1.4 billion. ranked third with 1.2 billion ads in August, and was trailed by Hulu with 1.1 billion. Just missing the billion-mark was SpotXchange Video Ad Marketplace, with 911 million ads served, last month.  
Hulu delivered the highest frequency of video ads to its viewers with an average of 51, while Google Sites delivered an average of 19 ads per viewer.
Looking at the field from yet another perspective, time spent watching video ads totaled 3.5 billion minutes, with BrightRoll Video Network delivering the highest duration of video ads at 717 million minutes.
In terms of unique viewers, Google Sites -- i.e., YouTube -- continued to lead the pack with 150 million unique viewers in August. Yahoo Sites came in second with 55 million, followed by Microsoft Sites with 54 million, Vevo with 49 million and with almost 48 million.
Meanwhile, nearly 37 billion video content views occurred during the month, with Google Sites generating the highest number at 14 billion. By that measure, AOL had a strong showing with 725 million video views in August.
Among YouTube partners, which comScore measures as its own category, video music channel Vevo maintained its top spot with 47 million viewers in August.
Also worth noting, comScore found that the duration of the average online content video was 6.7 minutes, while the average online video ad was 0.4 minutes.
Video ads also accounted for 20% of all videos viewed last month, and 1.4% of all minutes spent viewing video online.

2 comments about "August: U.S. Consumers Watched Nearly 38 Billion Web Videos".
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  1. Michael Angelo Saulsberry from MASmusic Inc., September 21, 2012 at 12:55 p.m.

    Huuuuuumm I wonder how long this. Can go with charges?

  2. Doug Garnett from Protonik, LLC, September 21, 2012 at 4:21 p.m.

    Lots of numbers. But there's an axiom that's pretty important to keep in mind with newer media: Big Numbers don't mean Significant Numbers. It's another way to use fallacy to promote your medium.

    This post discusses how the Lady Gaga web video numbers are really pretty unimportant despite their size...

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