Internet Radio Listeners Also Researching Products, Shopping

RadioInternet radio is well-positioned for multitasking, and that’s just what listeners are doing, according to a new study conducted by Parks Associates on behalf of TargetSpot, which operates a digital audio advertising network. Some popular simultaneous activities include researching future purchases, shopping, and social networking.
Among Internet radio listeners, 57% buy products online while listening, 56% research products for future purchase, and 60% visit social networks, according to Parks and TargetSpot. They’re also receptive to advertising and special offers from marketers: 59% said they like to get coupons, special offers, or discounts from advertisers, and 55% said they don’t mind ads as long as they get free access to stations.

Some 37% said they are willing to “like” ads they hear on Internet radio in return for special offers and discounts, and 29% are willing to share personal information in order to receive ads they find interesting.
In terms of recall, 58% of Internet radio listeners could remember having seen or heard an Internet radio ad in the last 30 days -- up 12% from 2011 -- and 44% said they responded in some way, up 10% from 2011. For specific responses, 20% of Internet radio listeners said they visited a company’s Web site after being exposed to an ad via Internet radio, 17% searched for more information about the product or service, 14% clicked on the ad itself, 12% became a fan or clicked “like,” and 7% actually purchased the product or service.
The Parks-TargetSpot study also found that Internet radio listeners are more receptive to advertising than broadcast radio listeners, on average. Thus, while 26% of AM-FM listeners said they stopped listening to ads because they were not personally relevant, just 20% of Internet radio listeners said the same. Furthermore, 18% of AM-FM listeners said they stopped listening because there were too many ads, compared to 14% of Internet radio listeners.

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