Newspaper Association of America's NICC Goes Live

  • by January 9, 2001
The Newspaper Association of America has officially launched electronic insertion orders, or eio powered by NICC, a service for newspaper advertisers that provides them with the ability to plan, place and track advertisements in newspapers across the country, all online via a standard Web browser. The goal of NICC is to retain existing multi-market advertisers and attract new ones by becoming the "easiest way to do business with newspapers."

Each participating newspaper's profile appears in a standard format at, and includes information such as newspaper name, contact information, circulation, standard demographic data, regular sections and their frequency, rates, media specifications, etc., as well as any additional information the publisher deems appropriate. After completing a participation agreement, advertisers simply log on to access the database and place an ad in one paper or multiple papers. There is no cost to the advertiser.

"This is exactly what newspaper advertisers have been asking for," said NAA President and CEO John F. Sturm. "Nowhere else are ad dollars spent more effectively than in newspapers, and newspapers produce more ads than any other medium. The newspaper industry now offers its advertisers a Web-based advertising transaction system to easily place their orders with papers across their region or across the country over the Internet."

In addition, advertisers can research newspaper markets and plan their campaigns online through eio before finalizing an insertion order. Newspaper ad reps are connected seamlessly to respond to an order by accepting it or by asking additional questions all via the NICC Web site.

"NICC represents a concerted effort by the newspaper industry to maximize its collective strength of numbers and reach of readership with Web-based tools. This electronic insertion order service provides a strategically designed convergence of print and online -- a b-to-b operation -- to improve customer service," said NICC president, M. Blake Barker.

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