
Consider This When Marketing To Women

Women control more than $7 trillion in domestic spending and purchase decisions for 85% across major categories, but a recent study on profiles or audience segments reveals that only 9% think marketers effectively connect brands to them. I've been thinking about what it takes for me to connect with a brand or retail store, and then I came across these findings. So the next time you want to reach out to women in one of these behavioral categories, consider these behavioral attributes.

The study from the Insights in Marketing i-on-Women division spans feedback from 1,300 women and 200 men ages 18 to 67. It identifies a substantial gap between the information companies have about women and the insights that matter.

All U.S. women fall into one of five psychological profiles containing specific psychological drivers, traits and behaviors, according to the study. The profile snapshots vary. Some 26% are driven and focused; about 57% are moms driven to succeed. In this category, 56% need others to recognize their achievements, 41% believe it's important to be wealthy, 38% work too many hours, and 36% are torn between work and family.

Some 21% are happy traditionalists, mostly conservative, and avoid taking risks. In this group, their first obligation is to home and family, but they believe it's important to spend money on family rather than themselves. About 71% follow traditions handed down by family, and 34% believe that doing new things is extremely important.

Another 20% are highly curious about why people do what they do. Some 90% of them understand the purpose of life, 89% have a belief system that helps them make sense of things, 81% have a mission, and 7% feel stressed and rushed.

Those who fit into the fourth profile -- 17% -- are self-reliant but struggle to maintain control of things. Only they can solve their own problems. Some 83% feel they struggle to keep up, 71% feel life is stressed and rushed, and 24% are high-energy, but 7% lead a very active social life.

And the 16% who fall into the fifth profile in the study have an unquenchable curiosity. They are social butterflies who are open to anything. About 78% believe doing new things is extremely important, 63% are high-energy, 54% spoil themselves, and 39% are high-value risk takers.

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