NEW! Agency Video Award Submission Details Behavior Of Ad Industry Workers

agency video awardAgencies undoubtedly put a lot of thought and effort into creating their yearly agency award video submissions. Canadian agency Lowe Roche crunched some numbers and sifted through research about Canadians who fall into the ad industry professional category. Their findings were included in their video submission for Toronto-based Strategy Agency of the Year Awards. The results may or may not surprise you. Did you know that Canadians in the ad industry watch foreign films 2.8 times more than the average person -- and, this is a good stat, are 1.6 times more likely to mute the sound during TV commercials? Hopefully, not the ones they had a hand in creating. A whopping 62.3% consider themselves health-conscious eaters, and ad industry folks watch 1.7 times more online porn than everyone else. See the video here for additional tidbits about Canadian ad industry workers.



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