
Publisher Says It Pays "Ransom" To Skirt Ad-Blockers

Ad-blocking technology has never been a bigger problem for online publishers and advertisers. In particular, Evolve Media -- publisher of such lifestyle properties as CraveOnline for guys and TotallyHer for gals -- sees a staggering 38% effective ad-block rate among men, and an 18% rate among women. So David Denton, SVP Product Management at Evolve, told attendees of OMMA’s Premium Display conference, on Tuesday. With ad partners to please, what’s a publisher to do? Among other tricks of the trade, many of the ad-blockers offer what Denton calls an “acceptable ad program,” which, for a fee, let certain ads reach consumers. Not a huge fan of such arrangements, Denton likened the exchange to “paying ransom.” Added Denton, “It just all feels really, really dirty … I’m not sure my company knows I’m talking about this right now.”

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