
Mobile Is Creating Needy Consumers

Listening to Forrester Research’s VP, Principal Analyst, Julie Ask, give a keynote at the Mobile Insider Summit in Tahoe, Calif., one realizes that consumers are rather needy.

“Consumer expectations of convenience are continuing to grow over time; the bar continues to get higher,” Ask said. “We call this the ‘mobile mind shift.’ [There’s an] expectation that they can get anything they need immediately and in context.”

She said that 20-25% of U.S. consumers expect they can engage with a brand and “get anything they need from you in the moment.” Another 30% are on the verge of shifting, which means that relatively soon over half of U.S. consumers are going to be expecting a whole lot.

Nearly two-thirds (62%) of consumers expect a mobile-friendly Web site, and another 42% expect to find a mobile app. The kicker, at least by Ask’s estimates, are that 23% of consumers expect their experience to change based on location.

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