
Agency Brings On Christmas Cheer With Anti-Christmas, One-Shot Video

And the ad agency holiday cards keep rolling in. Mostly in video form, it seems, this week. School Editing has crafted this video featuring the catchy tune, "Don't Believe in Christmas" by the Sonics.

Impressively, the agency shot the two minute video in one continuous shot. And it's got everything. A blinged out Santa. Lots of beer drinking. Lots of martini drinking. Balloons. Funny drinking hats. Lots of running. Tons of Christmas decorations. Boozing in the kitchen. Presents. Awkward shaving. More balloons. And a full-on dance party.

You've got to hand it to these guys. That's a lot of Christmas cheer to pack into two minutes...without a cut. Thought one does wonder how many takes it took to get it right. Watch the video here



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