
The Pockets of the Internet of Things

There are pockets of the Internet of Things.

Attending the Xperience IoT Summit in Boston just a few days ago, I was in a room of several hundred people from various parts of the country all focused on the Internet of Things for their business.

There were forward thinking presentations and demonstrations of IoT products either in or soon to be in the marketplace.The attendees there totally got IoT.

Then yesterday I headed into Small Business Expo 2015 at the Hynes Convention Center in Boston, where thousands of attendees roamed the massive exhibition area, which was void of anything IoT.

There was plenty of innovation, major brands such as Amazon and Yahoo, and countless suppliers of almost anything a small business might need or desire.

This particular venue didn’t really need an Internet of Things focus, since much of the connected objects action is happing in large enterprises at the moment.

But it’s not just conferences and trade shows where the different pockets of the Internet of Things can be seen.

I routinely visit innovation labs, especially at ad agencies, to see where the IoT may be coming into play there, and it’s also a mixed bag.

There are so many areas that agencies and brands need to focus on right now that the IoT isn’t always at the top of the list, even though some want it to be.

The same is true in discussions with normal people, some of who are highly intrigued and interested in IoT and others, well, not so much (or not at all).

But all of that is OK. Everyone ultimately will come around, likely in small steps.

When someone shows their Apple Watch to a friend, one person is showing the other a part of the Internet of Things.

When there is one speaker focused on the Internet of Things in the course of a two-day conference, a large group gets a taste.

For many, the Internet of things will arrive one day with a bang, even though it has been years in the making.

At the moment, the making and discovering are happening in pockets.

And like the connected devices world of the Internet of Things, all those pockets eventually will be connected.


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