TV Views On Smartphones Soar

Live TV viewing declines have slowed down, with smartphone usage still showing rapid growth.

In the second quarter of this year, Nielsen says average live viewing per day of viewers 18 years and up was four hours and nine minutes -- a two-minute decline versus the same time period a year ago.

There was an eight-minute decline from 2014 to 2015.

By contrast, in the second quarter, smartphone time with apps or on Web sites soared -- climbing to one hour and 43 minutes from 1:09 -- a 34-minute gain. There was a nine-minute improvement in the second quarter of 2015 from the second quarter of 2014.

PC internet activity area grew -- 14 minutes to 57 minutes per day -- the reverse of 2015 versus 2014, when PC Internet use dropped 5 minutes -- to 43 minutes from 48 minutes.

Like TV usage, PC usage has dropped when it comes to individual channels viewed/visited. The average number of TV channels viewed by month in May 2016 was 19.8 down from 19.9. The average number of Web sites visited on personal computers was 54.9 sites down from 61.1.

But smartphone sites visited -- as well the the average number of apps used -- has climbed. Average sites visited was up to 43.8 from 38.4 with apps growing to 27.6 from 27.3.



2 comments about "TV Views On Smartphones Soar".
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  1. Ed Papazian from Media Dynamics, September 27, 2016 at 10:45 a.m.

    Also from the same report, Nielsen states that the average adult in its panel spent 32 hours and 32 minutes watching live and delayed TV per week----but only 24 minutes watching videos on a smartphone. Taking those aged 18-24, Nielsen reported 15 hours and 5 minutes of TV viewing against 52 minutes for smartphone videos. Just putting things in perspective.

  2. brian ring from ring digital llc, September 28, 2016 at 4:06 p.m.

    Probably even more importantly, Nielsen notes a change in smartphone measurement (no longer capping iOS at 30 minutes, or something) that is impacting those numbers. Smartphone still growing, but not as much as the number suggests.

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