Good Things Coming Soon: Marthapedia, Online Cooking School

  • September 28, 2007
During a wide-ranging Advertising Week interview about all things brand Martha, Martha Stewart revealed some upcoming enhancements to the Web site.

Coming soon is a Marthapedia--a wiki for better living -- along with the Martha Stewart Cooking School, a multimedia translation of a forthcoming book of the same name.

Stewart revealed that she loves to blog, and said she keeps track of what's online by hiring an official "nerd in residence" to keep an eye on the Web, outline and report on things she needs to look at.

In addition to describing details such as the 44 washings her branded towels must succesfully endure to pass the Martha Stewart brand test in the physical world, Stewart said she has to come up with five to 10 new ideas daily to feel good about herself.

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