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You Want Content Network Exclusions? AdSense Serves Up Tons of Them

"Advertisers on Google's Content Network have been clamoring for more control over what sites their ads appear on," says Tad Miller. And while it has seemingly taken a while to get the point, Miller touches on the multiple options for site exclusion and segmentation that AdSense now offers.

AdSense users can now keep their ads from running on parked domains and error pages, as well as segment (or exclude) the traffic they get from forums, image and video-sharing sites, and even social networks.

And the exclusions don't stop there, as companies can choose to exclude pages that feature content on crime, police & emergency issues, death & tragedy, military & international conflicts, gross & bizarre content, profanity, and sexually suggestive content. Whew! "Advertisers have got to love the additional control they have on where their ads appear on Content Network," Miller says.

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