
Giving Low-Level Reality Show Celebrities What They Want: A Chance For More Reality.

Reality shows contestants are like moths -- attracted to the light. Now here comes one with full candle power -- a reality show where the winner wins a reality show.

Fox Reality Channel's "Gimme My Reality Show!" will pit -- who else -- seven former reality stars, including O.J. Simpson's former wingman Kato Kaitlin, "The Surreal Life"'s Traci Bingham, "Project Runway"'s Santino Rice and "American Idol" contestant Ryan Starr.

Now mind you, there have already been a number of celebrity reality series on VH1, and elsewhere, where stars battle each other in rehab, in the boxing rings, and over who sleeps with whom.

But now expect reality stars to pitch to the viewers at home exactly why they deserve their own show.  Industry-speak will abound. Think ratings, demographics, Q scores, and even goddamn engagement. TV viewers always crave behind-the-scenes action -which hopefully this series will provide, much as HBO's "Project Greenlight" did for the film industry some years ago.

Whatever TV industry nuances are revealed, it'll have to be entertaining. I'd love to see celebs fight over the daily Nielsen preliminary fax when ratings come in first thing in the morning. How about video of potential starlets explaining to TV advertisers why they are the better face for a TV show?

Maybe they'll be scenes of reality stars explaining their appeal to TV critics. Better still, what about challenges where stars will do some impromptu street entertainment - all with instant rating reaction from viewers at the event?

All this may be too inside for most for a broad range of viewers - but not those who love non-scripted programs. To do this, a TV education is necessary. To coin a phrase from one New York City-based clothing retailer of years ago: "An educated consumer is our best customer."

Still, even moths get burned occasionally



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