
Proximity Canada - Royal Bank of Canada

  • by August 25, 2008
Proximity Canada
Royal Bank of Canada
Finalist Financial Services

Matt Shirtcliffe, vice president, creative director; Rene Rouleau, copywriter; Jason Wren, art director; Don Dixon, photographer; John Gagne, vice president, creative director; Cory Smythe, account director; Sheryl Campbell, account director; Jeff Sturch, account supervisor; Sophie Zettler, account supervisor; Kinga Wysocki, account executive; Kindsay McMillan, account executive

CanadaTo grow its share of the college banking market, the Royal Bank of Canada used an irreverent campaign from Proximity that hit all the right media. A sponsored Facebook page hosted two viral videos (students had to register to see the second one), washroom ads and doorhangers kept up the cheeky tone, and campus events entertained and informed students. New account holders could win a trip to Australia. Results were phenomenal: New bank accounts exceeded the goal by 207 percent; new student Visa accounts beat expectations by 107 percent; and new e-savings accounts were 576 percent over the goal.

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