The City As Metaphor: Marketing To The American Multi-Culture
    For as long as there have been cities, they have been maligned as soulless vortexes that pollute and overwhelm, irresistibly dragging innocents towards them, sucking up their aspirations and hopes when they get there.
    Are We Witnessing The End Of The Hispanic Advertising Agency, As We Know It?
    Advertising as a global industry is undergoing an enormous transformation. I think that we will not be able to recognize it in a few years. To think of Hispanic advertising as separate from global advertising implies a backtracking of sorts, an undermining of who we are.
    Mobile Is A Must For Reaching U.S. Hispanics
    We know Hispanics love cell phones, especially smartphones. But now several recent studies have confirmed that marketers looking to reach Hispanics should consider mobile as the primary tactic. Below is a recap of these studies as well as examples of some great Hispanic mobile websites.
    Futurecasting The Market
    Regardless of whether some or all of these disruptors come to pass, futurecasting paints a clear picture of a fundamentally different Hispanic market than the one we know today.
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