• Episode 501: A Little Kiss -- Or, A New Bobby, And 'There's My Baby!'
    Have you been hummin' it all night and day? I refer, of course, to "Zou Bisou Bisou," the innocent-but-dirty little French ditty made famous by Sophia Loren in the early 1960s. That the latest Mrs. Draper naughtily performed an x-rated version of the song at a surprise party for Don was just one of the surprises of the two-hour opener that, while filled with funny lines and visual gags, lagged at times (and presented some wildly unlikable characters.)
  • It's A Good Thing It Didn't End With The Fourth Season
    Welcome back, Mad Blog followers! It's been an impossibly long, long 17 months! But apparently the two-hour "Mad Men" opener this Sunday is so dazzling that it more than repays our patience with the toddler-aged wait.
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