Thursday, September 29, 2005
  • Madison Avenue Launches AMI, Entity To Oversee Media Accountability

    Nearly a year after it began floating the idea of a new industry initiative to tackle vexing issues related to the measurement of media, … Read the whole story

  • Cable Leads Broadcast Again, Smaller Cable Nets Make Big Strides

    With the season only one week old, the cable industry is on the move again, touting its ad-supported cable networks' lead over broadcast, which … Read the whole story

  • New York Interconnect: Looking For Upfront Money

    New York Interconnect, the largest cable advertising spot sales group of its kind in the country, wants to create a local spot cable upfront … Read the whole story

  • Carat's Verklin: High-Tech Future Will Create Ad Opportunities

    What's your favorite future? That was the question that Carat Americas CEO David Verklin posed to a roomful of advertising professionals in Manhattan on … Read the whole story