• Texters Are Young, Techy, and Shop Online
    According to Scarborough Research, in addition to being young and diverse, Texters are among the country's highest spenders on cellular services. On average, they spend $87 on their monthly cellular bill. By contrast, all cellular subscribers spend an average of $75 monthly. They are 46% more likely than all cellular subscribers to typically spend $150 or more on cellular service monthly. Texters are 12% more likely to plan to switch services. They utilize a wide variety of phone features - such as picture messaging, streaming video and email - at a rate higher than that of the average cell user.
  • TV Viewing and Internet Use Converge
    According to the The Nielsen TV/Internet Convergence Panel, the heaviest users of the Internet are also among the heaviest viewers of television: the top fifth of Internet users spend more than 250 minutes per day watching television, compared to 220 minutes of television viewing by people who do not use the Internet at all. Nielsen found that the reverse is true as well - the lowest consumers of television have the lowest usage levels for the Internet.
  • Black Friday Online Retail Up, Cyber Monday Will Be Bellwether
    comScore, in an overnight report, said that for the holiday season-to-date, $10.41 billion has been spent online, marking a 4-percent decline versus the corresponding days last year, while Black Friday saw $534 million in online spending, up 1 percent. For the combination of Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday, online sales were up 2 percent relative to last year.
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