• Jack Myers' Weekend Think Tank: The Cheerleaders Of NBC
    The Cheerleaders of NBC. If that sounds like a Playboy photo spread, that's the intent. Television networks need to completely rethink their off-channel brand extension opportunities. That's not to suggest the cheerleaders of "Friday Night Lights" and "Heroes," as attractive as they might be, should be doing Playboy photo shoots, but NBC most definitely should be considering its opportunities to extend the appeal of the cheerleaders to additional platforms.
  • DRM: What's The Song We Should Sing?
    Should it be a happy song like something from the B-52s? Should it be a sad song like something from Robert Smith? It's up to all of us... One of the classic problem-solving strategies is to study and understand others to learn from their mistakes, so you don't make the same ones yourself. When it comes to content, I think the entire video industry (that's TV, movies, user-generated, etc.) can learn from the audio industry. It is a well-established story how the music industry fumbled its opportunity in the digital marketplace.
  • The Remote -- Your Very Own WMD?
    Ever tried watching TV without a remote? Recently, I mean? You should try it -- it's a fascinating experience. It happened to me without any planning on my part a few years ago when staying in a small holiday home that we'd rented for the week. We found that channel surfing was totally absent, switching between programs and following more than one narrative was banished -- and we saw a phenomenal number of ads!
  • Shirley, Shirley, Bo Birley Bonana Fanna Fo Firley, Fee Fy Mo Mirley, Shirley!
    Up top is the first line of Shirley Ellis' lyrics for the popular oldie "The Name Game." A stanza or two into the song, she proceeds to explain her process -- the rules -- of naming. Taking a cue from Shirley and her approach to The Name Game, I'd like to discuss The Numbers Game, and the necessity of establishing a process by which we in the media community -- traditionalists, onliners, and digitalists -- can begin dialoguing about the shaping and melding of viewing, behavioral and lifestyle metrics in the digital televisual realm.
  • Jack Myers' Weekend Think Tank: Super Bowl. Jumping the Shark?
    Are you sick of the Super Bowl advertising hype? Have you picked up on the backlash against Super Bowl advertising? When did advertising explode to shift the public focus from the game to the advertising? Was it during the Internet boom years, or does it go as far back at the famous Apple commercial? Is this the year when viewers say, enough already?
  • I Know What I'm Doing This Sunday
    I cannot wait for the Super Bowl this weekend. I love football. I especially love football on television. This is the first time in many years that I'm not going to the game in person. Lotsa drivers why I'm not going, but the primary one is, I want to see the Super Bowl. The irony of the Super Bowl is when you go to it, you miss the Super Bowl. It's a television event.
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