Study: Gen Y Notices Social Net Ads, But Claim Irrelevance

Gillette/facebookThe vast majority of young consumers--84%--do notice ads on social networks. The bad news for advertisers, however, is that just 19% find the ads relevant, according to a new study released Tuesday by The Participatory Marketing Network and the Lubin School of Business' Interactive and Direct Marketing Lab at Pace University.

As a result, the study found that 74% of respondents reported clicking infrequently on ads, while 36% reported never clicking on ads. Not surprisingly, the study finds that brands are struggling to build a compelling value proposition for Generation Y users on social networks.

"More work must be done to understand what drives participation and engagement within social networks," said Michael Della Penna, co-founder and executive chairman of The Participatory Marketing Network marketing association.

In regard to hesitant advertisers, Della Penna said: "Many are still waiting for proof that increasing investment in this burgeoning 'channel' will yield measurable benefits."

Yet not all of the data is so discouraging. A full 62% of Gen Y consumers reported visiting a brand or fan page on a social network, and 48% confirmed actually joining such a network.

The top five reasons that young consumers gave for joining a brand or fan group were to "get news or product updates" (67%), "view promotions" (64%), "view or download music or videos" (41%), "submit opinions" (36%) and "connect with other customers" (33%).

1 comment about "Study: Gen Y Notices Social Net Ads, But Claim Irrelevance".
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  1. Tim Daly, March 4, 2009 at 4:27 p.m.

    This appears to just validate what we already see in click rate results from Facebook and MySpace. CTRs from social sites have always been substantially lower.

    What should be taken from these findings is how we should place value on view-through conversions from social websites. Many of the Ad Networks have been utilizing low-priced CPMs from Social websites in an effort to spread and reset cookies. A view-through from Yahoo Finance clearly is better than MySpace.

    If people are finding ads to be irrelevant and unengaging, then the view-through conversion from these social websites are valueless.

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