Hitwise, Nielsen Online Release February Search Data

  • March 11, 2009
Hitwise and Nielsen Online released separate reports Tuesday to provide insight on the search industry for February 2009.

Hitwise reported that longer search queries that average between five and more than eight words in length have increased 9% between February 2008 and 2009. During the same time, shorter search queries averaging one to four words long decreased 2%. Two-word searches comprised the majority of searches, averaging 23.47% of all queries.

Google accounted for 72.11% of all U.S. searches in the four weeks ending Feb. 28, 2009, Hitwise said. Yahoo Search, MSN Search and Ask.com received 17.04%, 5.56% and 3.74%, respectively. The remaining 46 search engines in the Hitwise Search Engine Analysis Tool accounted for 1.56% of U.S. searches.

Nielsen Online released top search providers, ranked by total searches in February 2009. An estimated 5.4 billion search queries were conducted at Google Search--up 19.2% from the prior year, representing 63.5% of all search queries conducted last month. Yahoo Search followed with 1.4 billion search queries--up 4%, representing 16.7% of all search queries. The losers were My Web Search, declining by 21.6% to 55,772; AT&T Worldnet Search, down 27.6%; and Dogpile.com Search, down 28.9% to 15,880.--Laurie Sullivan

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