Forbes Debuts CMO Network

  • March 16, 2009
Forbes has launched a new section aimed at senior-level marketing, media, agency and advertising executives.

The CMO Network, overseen by Forbes executive editor Melanie Wells includes breaking news, columns, video, case studies and in-depth interviews. It also features regular and guest contributors including Porter Novelli CMO Marian Salzman; Mike Linton, former CMO of eBay; and Martin Puris, founder and former chairman of Ammirati Puris Lintas.

Other columns will include "On the Record," a mix of video and online Q&As with CMOs, CEOs and other executives; "Hot Shots," which delves inside the mind of a CMO or advertising or media executive; and "Extreme Makeover," about a company or brand in transition.

It also offers syndicated content from Advertising Age, paidContent and MediaPost.--Mark Walsh

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