Now, Muscovites Can Have It Their Way

  • January 22, 2010
Burger King Corp. has opened its first restaurant in Moscow. This restaurant opening is part of the company's expansion strategy in the Europe, Middle East and Africa operating region.

Burger King Europe GmbH signed an agreement with Burger Rus LLC. The managing shareholder of Burger Rus LLC is Alexander Kolobov. The restaurant is located in the Metropolis shopping mall in Moscow. A second BK is scheduled to open later this month in Moscow's "Europeysky" shopping center with additional restaurants to open in the market throughout 2010 and beyond.

In the past five years, BK has entered Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania. The company said it recently opened its 12,000th restaurant -- in the Joy City mall in the Xidan area of Beijing.--Karl Greenberg



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