has announced the results of its 2000 Online Cybersex Survey, and according to the findings, almost one in 10 respondents indicated they are addicted to sex and the Internet. Dr. Alvin
Cooper, clinical director of the San Jose Marital Services and Sexuality Centre in San Jose, Calif., conducted the online poll, believed to be the largest Internet study of online sexuality to date.
The survey, conducted during June 2000, received responses from over 38,000 users and found that people who engage in online sexual activities are spending a substantial amount of time on these
pursuits to break away from their daily routines, explore fantasies, relieve stress and spice up their sex lives. Results also show that respondents spend nearly three hours online each week devoted
to sexual activities. The survey shows that when broken down by gender, 9.9 percent of men report an addiction to sex and the Internet, compared to 6 percent of women. MSNBC website surveys are
self-selected and unscientific, not the random samples utilized by polling organizations.
- Adam Bernard