The survey, which was conducted online Oct. 8 to 12, projects that 55% of Americans are dubious about traditional media's chances of survival.
Despite their perceived preferences, 50% of the respondents said they now get almost all their news online.
Focusing on specific news sources, nearly half (46%) of the respondents said they go to local television news all the time, while about one-third said they go to local newspapers (35%) and network television news (31%). Two in five adults, however, said they never go to national newspapers like the New York Times or weekly news magazines (42% each) when they are looking for news.
In terms of their perceived time spent with media, one-quarter of adults said that over the past year, the time they have spent reading newspapers in print and reading magazines in print has declined (25% and 23% respectively). Conversely, three in ten adults (28%) say the time they have spent visiting online news and information sites has increased over the past year.