Tacoda Systems has launched the TacodaAudience Registration System (ARS) to enable Internet publishers to securely centralize registration and authentication for audiences across multiple online media
properties. ARS will be made available both as a standalone product and as a complement to the company's Audience Management System that helps web publishers understand who is on their sites, segment
visitors for ad targeting and manage web audiences. According to Tacoda, a number of clients asked for a registration system that would be an easy-to-administer, easy-to-use economical means to allow
them to introduce on-site registration, capture important user information to aid in marketing, strategy, and ad sales, and to manage user registration on an ongoing basis. As a result, ARS is
launched with an established customer base. At the beginning of each separate session, when visitors try to access "secure" material such as pages beyond the homepage, or pay per view content, they
are authenticated against the ARS system. Once users have been confirmed as being registered, they are forwarded onto the requested content and do not have to re-authenticate until a time designated
by the web publisher. According to Tacoda CEO Dave Morgan, the company is working on enhancements of ARS that will include integration with subscriptions and e-commerce offerings.