Mobile video consumption continues to rise sharply. Forty percent more Americans were watching video on smartphones and other mobile devices like tablets and iPads in 2010 versus 2009, according to the Nielsen Company.
Some 25 million users watched an average four hours and 20 minutes per month. Video usage in the third and fourth quarter of 2010 rose 33% and 20%, respectively. There were 22.9 million users watching mobile video in the third quarter of 2010 and 17.6 million users in the fourth quarter of 2009.
Overall, smartphone ownership rose to 31% at the end of 2010 from 23% in the fourth quarter of 2009. Nielsen attributes the rise to video becoming easier to find and to share via mobile apps or the mobile Web.
During a given week, 12- to-17-year-olds watched an average 19 minutes; 18- to-24-year-olds averaged 12 minutes; and 25- to-34-year-olds, 10 minutes.
Video consumption during an average week was the highest among 25- to-34-year-olds at 32%, followed by 35-49s, at 27%; 18-24s at 17%; 12-17s at 11%: and 50-64s at 10%.
....but "what" video are they watching and "how" is the video consumed. That is two important questions, i would ask. On the "how" part, is it via apps, be it itunes, ipads or android phones, maybe just youtube or other UGC web sites, via simple flash browsers, streaming from netflix's, etc. On the "what" front, is it TV shows, movies, short form clips/trailers, how much is UGC vs Pro etc. Wonderful to see numbers going up, but not enough meat around the findings, to get this video carnivore any more or less excited about video
Basically the same question, is this amateur YouTube video or video from content providers/aggregators...any idea how we could dig deeper and find out?