Two Jazz stations, JazzFM and KPLU-FM, and two classical stations, WQXR-FM and, were ranked in the top 10 Internet radio stations for the month of May, according to Arbitron's Internet
Broadcast Ratings. Jazz FM was ranked number three with 974,017 hours of Total Time Spent Listening (TTSL), the sum total of hours tuned by listeners to a given station or network. WQXR was ranked
number four with 964,874 hours of TTSL; KPLU was ranked number six with 695,538 hours of TTSL; and was ranked number seven with 631,256 hours of TTSL. MUSICMATCH Artist Match was ranked
the number one Internet radio station with 1,496,382 hours of TTSL. Virgin Radio was ranked number two with 1,333,140 hours of TTSL. Live365 was ranked the number one Internet Broadcast Network with
13,518,061 hours of TTSL. LAUNCH, the music destination of Yahoo@!, was ranked number two with 13,289,183 hours of TTSL. MUSICMATCH was ranked number three with 5,758,968 hours of TTSL.