According to a new survey from the American Management Association, Clearswift, and The ePolicy Institute, 22% of companies have terminated an employee for email infractions and email users spend
about 25% of the workday on e-mail. Over 1,100 US employers participated in the 2003 E-Mail Survey, a follow-up to an e-mail survey conducted by the American Management Association and ePolicy
Institute in 2001. The survey in detail revealed that 14% of respondents noted that their organization has been ordered by a court or regulatory body to produce employee e-mail an increase of 5% over
2001, when 9% of respondents reported employee e-mail had been subpoenaed. The average respondent spends about 107 minutes (1 hour 47 minutes) on email every day ... about 25% of the workday. While
24% report spending less than one hour, 31% spend more than two hours and 8% more than four hours. 76% of respondents say that they have lost time in the last year due to email system problems. 35%
estimate they lost only half a day, but 24% think they have lost more than two days. Eighty-six percent of respondents agree that email has made them more efficient, in spite of the fact that 92%
receive spam mail at work. Fully 47% say spam constitutes more than 10% of all their email; 7% report spam represents over 50% of all email received.