Consumer Forum Launched to Report Missing Email

  • by February 18, 2003
The NAI Email Service Providers Coalition announced yesterday the establishment of a forum for reporting instances of missing email due to spam filtering. The forum called “I_Did_Not_Get_My_Email” provides a way for consumers to post information about false positives, that is, non-spam messages that have been inadvertently blocked. Analysis of this information can be an important tool to improve anti-spam filtering techniques.

“Email alerts about missing children have been blocked by some anti-spam filters, even though the intended recipients definitely wanted to get them,” said Hobie Woolen, co-founder of Code Amber, a world-wide system for quickly alerting law enforcement and concerned citizens about missing children. “In the fight against spam, a way must be found to improve filters so that this kind of message invariably gets through immediately.”

“The rapid proliferation of spam is a major problem for everyone. We hope the “I_Did_Not_Get_My_Email” forum will strengthen the measures being employed to fight spam by providing a resource to make the filters increasingly accurate,” said Trevor Hughes, Executive Director of the NAI. “Legitimate messages that are blocked or filtered have become a stumbling block in the war against spam and we hope the forum will help address this problem.”

Assurance Systems last week reported that on average 15% of legitimate commercial email is currently rejected due to false positives.

“If you’re expecting a gift certificate from an online bookstore or a city meeting notice, you may never see it due to the blacklists and filters that are currently in place,” said Hughes. “Or a message to your accountant may bounce, if someone has put the server that handles your company’s email on its blacklist. A message from a long lost high school buddy may be filtered if he uses too many exclamation marks.”

The moderated group is to be found at Messages can be read and posted there by anyone who is registered or registers at Yahoo! Groups. Messages can also be posted by sending mail to The addresses of those who post will be hidden.

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