The last few days have yielded some eye-popping online video stats from research firms and companies with skin in the game. For starters, researcher Parks Associates has found in its latest studies that women are more ravenous consumers of online TV shows than men. Parks Associates found that women are 73% more likely than men to have watched a full-length TV show online in the past 30 days.
What’s more, CE makers would be wise to target their messaging to women, according to this data. Parks found that women have “higher purchase intentions” than men for nearly all of the popular CE devices, such as laptops or smartphones. Not only are women interested in buying, they’re often loyal when they do make their purchase choice. "Women are frequently the product buyers -- and once she owns a CE product, she becomes a heavy user, most particularly for devices that allow sharing and uploading content and downloading TV programs," said Tricia Parks, CEO, Parks Associates in a press release. "CE manufacturers are picking up on this changed buyer, offering their products, particularly their mobile ones, in more colors and styles with more personalized accessories."
Many female users of smartphones and tablets are playing games on the new devices. Parks said that women are 40% more likely than men to play games on Facebook, and they have dramatically increased their activity on gaming consoles.
Shifting to online video specifically, at last week’s CES show, YouTube executive Robert Kyncl, global head of content partnerships, made a bold prediction. He expects Internet video to soon account for 90% of traffic on the Web. He also said that in the next 10 years, about 75% of all new channels will be Internet channels. (Though, I would think that number would be closer to, say, 99%. Who’s launching a channel anywhere but the Web, these days?). These stats follow YouTube’s jaw-dropping news late last month that in 2011, there had been more than 1 trillion playbacks of videos on YouTube.