Directory marketer Wahlstrom Group has been awarded three Yellow Pages Integrated Media Association Industry Excellence Awards. CEO Peter Broadbent recently accepted the awards on the agency’s behalf
at the Yellow Pages IMA’s annual conference in Orlando, Fla. The awards honor creativity, expression and innovation in the Yellow Pages industry. Wahlstrom was presented two gold awards, one for
Nestle Waters North America (formerly Perrier) for White Pages innovation and one for the company’s Interactive Group for its Internet ROI reporting system. Wahlstrom also won a marketing innovation
bronze award for the company’s work for Enterprise Rent-A-Car. Enterprise has been recognized by the Yellow Pages IMA for three years’ Nestle Waters North America and Wahlstrom Interactive for two
years. Wahlstrom Group is a telephone directory advertising agency and certified marketing representative with headquarters in Stamford, Conn., and offices in Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Irvine, Los
Angeles, Louisville, Minneapolis, Morris Plains, N.J., Philadelphia, Sacramento and Toronto.