LAUNCH (the music destination on Yahoo!) and MUSICMATCH are the number two and three Internet Broadcasters according to Arbitron and both broadcasters offer listeners the opportunity to customize
their own radio stations. LAUNCH finished the week with 3,259,794 hours of Total Time Spent Listening (TTSL), while MUSICMATCH reached 1,737,222 hours of TTSL for the week of August 18, 2003. AOL
Radio@Network was the top-ranked commercial Internet Broadcaster, with 6,163,846 hours of TTSL. Total Time Spent Listening is the sum total of hours tuned by listeners to a given station or network.
MUSICMATCH was the top-ranked non-commercial Internet Broadcaster with 1,737,222 hours of TTSL. The Adsertion Network was the top sales network, with 1,086,192 hours of TTSL. MUSICMATCH Artist Match
was the top non-commercial Internet Broadcast Station with 600,741 hours of TTSL. AOL Top Country ranked highest commercial Internet Broadcast Station in the Arbitron Internet Broadcast Ratings with
286,516 hours of TTSL. The top Content Delivery Networks (CDN) for the week of August 18 were Live365, with 2,348,731 TTSL, and StreamGuys, with 457,519 TTSL. The Total Time Spent Listening for these
Content Delivery Networks is the sum of all tuning to stations streamed by the CDN including commercial and non-commercial stations.