, Inc. this week named auctioning giant eBay's Meg Whitman as the recipient of the first annual CBS MarketWatch CEO of the Year Award. Whitman was cited for her achievements in building
the online auctioneer and creating value for both employees and shareholders. Thursday's edition of CBS MarketWatch features a new annual section devoted to its CEO of the Year, which will be updated
annually with future CEO of the Year winners, in addition to informing investors on the progress of the previous years' honorees. As CBS MarketWatch's 2003 CEO of the Year, Meg Whitman will be
featured on the syndicated business magazine show
CBS MarketWatch Weekend; on the Radio Network; in addition to being featured in broadband segments on the CBS MarketWatch site.
Whitman was chosen from a group of six finalists, all of whom are profiled on the CBS MarketWatch Web site. The other finalists are Craig Barrett of Intel, Reuben Mark of Colgate-Palmolive, Terry
Semel of Yahoo!, Kevin Sharer of Amgen, and John Wren of Omnicom.