How much do size and form factor differ? asked moderator Forrester analyst, Anthony Fuller.
Size isn’t that relevant, it’s the mobility that’s relevant. That changes with context. It's about how it changes and how you have to think about, said Zachary Paradis, Director, Experience Strategy, SapientNitro.
How are non-mobile channels used in the mobile context? Asked to James Chandler, Head of Mobile, Mindshare: research, messaging – it's less media planning and more connection planning, he said. 'Our job is to get someone to like on Facebook, to get them to visit the website and to prove that people do go to buy.'
The short-time bursts of mobile: how do you consider that when constructing mobile branding experiences? Asked to Zachary Paradis, Director, Experience Strategy, SapientNitro: To make something that’s good, you have to enable short bursts that are contextual and highly relevant, fit for purpose, he responded. 'When you connect the dots, you create the great experience. How strategic is the use of the channel also has to be considered.'
Chandler jumped in: snacking still happens but when you get into connectivity and data, other experiences open up, such as gaming. A company that’s done mobile well is Amazon with the Kindle, with its cross screen approach.
Patricia MacDonald, Executive Planning Director, glueIsobar added: 'What is the role of the moment in time of the consumer? If they’re on a fast search, they don’t want brand experiences jumping in the way.'