African-American Millennials Watch Less TV Than Elders

WatchingTVYoung African-American viewers watch less TV than older African-American baby boomers.

Nielsen says those millennials -- age 18-34 -- watch almost two-and-a-half hours less (5 hours and 12 minutes) than those 45-64 (7 hours and 53 minutes), according to a new report.

Nielsen notes that mobile platforms could be a factor.

Smartphone penetration among African-Americans has grown to 54% penetration this year, up from 33% a year ago. The study also says that African-Americans use their mobile devices to download and view videos at a rate 30% higher than the general population.

But these Gen Y-ers are more comparable with their elders when it comes to the DVR and DVD use -- with 18-34 viewers averaging 18 minutes a day of DVR use and 13 minutes a day for DVD use. This compares with baby boomers, who have DVR use of 21 minutes and DVD use of 12 minutes.

That said, the average African-American viewer -- overall -- watches a little less than seven hours of TV a day -- almost 2.5 more hours per day than the average viewer in the U.S., according to the Nielsen report.

Nielsen says marketers should take note of viewing trends and population: In 2012, the African-American population in the U.S. reached almost 43 million, and continues to grow at more than one-and-a-half times the pace of the general population.



1 comment about "African-American Millennials Watch Less TV Than Elders".
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  1. Stephanie Padgett from True Media, September 27, 2012 at 9:59 a.m.

    Given this generations love with all things digital, this isn't surprising. It will be interesting to see if this group adopts many of the lower priced tablets so popular with Millennials, as well. Read why Gen Y loves them at

    Stephanie Padgett
    University of Missouri
    YAYA Connection and Mojo Ad Mentor

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