Mobile rich media provider Celtra unveiled its first quarterly report looking at results from 60 mobile campaigns across the automotive, finance, entertainment and retail categories. The company’s AdCreator platform allows clients to build, run and track rich media ads using HTML5 technology. It works with 35 premium publishers, as well as ad networks, mobile exchanges and DSPs.
Some report highlights:
--Among ad formats, more than 2/3 (67%) were expandable banners, making it the most popular ad format. The remaining 1/3 of the ads were split between interstitials (21%) and banners (12%).
--The expand rate for ads across campaigns was 1.4%.
--There were more iOS (55%) ads than Android (45%) but Android adoption continues to rise and Celtra expects that these numbers will shift in the coming months.
--Engagement rates for mobile rich media ads averaged 12.8%, with ads featuring video and gaming elements driving the most interaction. The average click-through rate was 5.8%.
--Users are turning to social media through mobile ads and sharing branded content--8.7% shared on Facebook, 12.6% to Twitter, and 20.3% clicked through to the Instagram app in ads using social-sharing features. Brands are increasingly integrating newer social media services, like Instagram, as well as foursquare and Pinterest.