Tremor Taps Meredith's Wiener As President

  • October 19, 2012

Tremor Video has named Lauren Wiener president-global sales and marketing, a new position. She joins from Meredith Corp., where she was senior vice president of Meredith Digital. Wiener will oversee Tremor Video’s U.S. and international advertising sales and marketing departments, and will report to CEO Bill Day. CRO Randy Kilgore and CMO Melinda McLaughlin, both members of the company’s executive team, will report to Wiener.

1 comment about "Tremor Taps Meredith's Wiener As President".
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  1. Kevin Bullard from ILFUSION Creative, October 22, 2012 at 10:16 a.m.

    Tremor taps Meredith's WHAT?

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