TV Still Tops, But Multiscreen Viewing Commonplace

Watching-Tablet-TV-A2A majority of U.S. consumers -- 60% -- still want to watch their shows on TV, but these same consumers also want their smartphones and tablets by their side.

Drilling down to other data, KPMG International said in a new report that in the U.S., 42% of consumers say they watch TV and access the Internet via a laptop or PC, while 17% watch TV and access the Web via a smartphone. The study also found that 22% watch TV and use a social networking site at the same time.

In the U.S., 40% own or intend to own a smartphone in the next 12 months, compared to 53% globally; 26% own or plan to purchase a tablet over the next 12 months, which is the same percentage globally.

Paul Wissmann, national leader of KPMG's U.S. Media & Telecommunications practice, stated: "The introduction of smart TVs is an indication of how the digital transition is accelerating to coincide with the demand of today's consumers to access anything, anywhere and at any time. The smart TV is beginning to reveal itself as the next disruptor."

In the U.S., the study said 14% of those polled prefer to watch TV via their mobile or tablet for greater flexibility -- mostly coming from what the report says are largely "mobile-centric consumers" 25-34 years old.

Urban consumers in China, Brazil and Singapore are proving to be the world's biggest users of digital/mobile media.

KPMG polled more than 1,000 consumers in the U.S. and 9,000 globally.



1 comment about "TV Still Tops, But Multiscreen Viewing Commonplace".
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  1. Rory Doherty from Current Communications, February 5, 2013 at 12:35 p.m.

    For Smart TV sales to take off, the challenge of search & discovery for the TV screen must be vanquished. Onscreen keyboard navigation must go. It's time for Kannuu:

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