Samsung Electronics is well known among consumers (and becoming increasingly popular in selling the devices they use most: smartphones, tablets and TVs). Now it’s looking to extend that awareness and goodwill into the business markets.
“We have found in our research that business influencers and decision makers believe Samsung is a company who is well positioned to solve business needs because of the rich consumer legacy,” a representative of Samsung Electronics America, tells Marketing Daily in response to e-mailed questions. “Our success with consumers has created massive brand awareness and increased our global brand value.”
Via a new campaign, “New Business Experience,” the company is showing how its technology can help businesses in the retail, hospitality, health care and education industries work better. In an online video, Samsung uses onscreen text over shots of people heading to work to make its point. “Let’s get together. Let’s create things,” it reads. With the words “You” and “Us,” the visuals break into two halves with one side showcasing people and the other showing off the technology. In one instance, a man walks down a hotel hallway with his luggage (with onscreen text reading “You have customers,”) on the left side of the screen, while on the right side, a smartphone triggers a hotel room lock (“we have wow.”) In another instance, a group of doctors confers on the left side (“You have the know”), while someone views X-rays on the right (“we have the how”).
“Campaign visuals and messaging are based on common scenarios that can be made more effective using Samsung technology, such as a Galaxy Tablet or Smartphone,” the representative says. “In this way, consumers are already familiar with Samsung and the benefits to improving everyday communication.”
To support the video, Samsung redesigned its business products landing page, offering deeper insights into the specific ways it has helped designed technological solutions for education, health care, retail and hospitality businesses. In addition to the online video and home page, the campaign will also include print advertisements and animated banner ads.
The effort -- which is running in nine markets, including the U.S., U.K., Germany, France, Italy, China, Singapore, Russia and Brazil -- takes a cue from the “Bring Your Own Device” trend, in which professionals are bringing their own consumer technology into the workplace.
“Employees are investing their own resources to purchase and use a broad range of consumer technologies in the workplace,” the representative says. “This campaign is meant to create a solid foundation upon which to bring our point of view to B2B.”