financial services

FirstBank Expands Ad Campaign


FirstBank is extending its TV advertising for the first time outside of its home state of Colorado.

A shift in emphasis from “less stressful” to “faster” marks the latest iterations of the financial services provider’s ongoing “Mortgages Made Easy” advertising, with each ad based on the newfound free time that a quick mortgage offers.

The campaign, including TV and print, is from TDA_Boulder.

Whereas an earlier, action-packed TV commercial followed an unfortunate and utterly frustrated loan applicant at some other bank -- he tears out his hair, steals a bus, and then jumps in front of it -- the newest TV ad unfolds in a deceptively bland conversation at the office copier.



The female says: “So how’s your new mortgage going?” The male answers: “Oh, great. FirstBank’s doing most of the work for me, so got a lot of extra time on my hands.” She (coyly): “Oh. So whatcha been up to?” At which point what we see and what she hears diverge. Our loan applicant, it turns out, spends his off hours as an inelegant if enthusiastic (“Now let the battle commence! Yaaarrrgh!”) Medieval swordfight reenactor. What’s he been doing? “Golf,” he answers --“Uhhh, lotta golf.” Voiceover tag: “Worry less about your mortgage, and more about your free time.”

Free time also provides the only drama -- what little there is of it -- in the humdrum and seemingly off-message print advertising. Three full pages are all about “How to Make Banana Bread,” “Golf Tips,” and “How to Play Dominoes.” Why? A clunky headline -- “This is a mortgage ad,” -- and the same “worry less” tag as in the TV ad are the inside-out explanation.

The campaign targets home buyers and real estate investors, ages 25–54, and runs on top-rated prime-time programming and sports including the NBA playoffs and MLB, on all broadcast networks (Colorado only), and on top cable channels (AMC, USA, ESPN, Comedy Central, TBS and 15 others) in both Colorado and Palm Springs, Calif. The print appears in Colorado-based lifestyle magazines.

FirstBank is a division of FirstBank Holding Company, Lakewood, Colo., privately held and majority owned by its management and employees. It is Colorado’s largest locally owned bank, with additional locations in California and Arizona.

1 comment about "FirstBank Expands Ad Campaign".
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  1. Tom O'Brien from NWPS, May 17, 2013 at 11:47 a.m.

    Thx for the article. That CNN ad takeover of your page is pretty annoying - I hope it pays well :-)

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