Banner ads have long been the whipping boy of online advertising, and the same is now true for mobile. On an OMMA Mobile panel focusing on whether mobile display even works, agency executives gave some examples of industry categories, including entertainment, travel, and auto, where they’ve seen results.
Steve Minichini of TargetCast pointed to entertainment advertising in mobile as a sort of “softball” you can’t miss if ads are designed right. “It’s really ripe for full interaction regardless of the technology” because of the strength of the content, such as movie trailers.
When it comes to travel, the focus is more on comparison pricing. As technology allows more tracking of how ads are served and sequenced, he believes interaction and success will grow.
Staying in the travel sector, Scott Swanson, CEO of Mobile Theory, said the ad network ran a campaign for an international airline that resulted in a dozen tickets being purchased directly through the ad. That might not sound like much, but Swanson called it “impressive,” given the cost level of the tickets. He added the client was also “extremely excited” about the result.
Michael Lieberman, group account director at MEC, noted that people tend to spend more time engaging on mobile and tablets, but still end up converting on the desktop. He said the rates can be twice as high as for someone who has only seen an ad on the PC. “We know mobile and tablets are having an impact on consumer decisions, even if we can’t follow the ROI chain on one single device,” he said.