Google made Full Credit Measurement Attribution generally available Thursday to Google Analytics users, along with a handful of measurement tools, giving marketers more access to metrics that measure campaigns. It's also an attempt to educate them.
For example, On the Beach, a travel products and services company, wanted to understand the value of generic, non-branded search terms in the purchase funnel to drive up sales and grow business online. Marketers for the U.K. travel agency designed a model that credits campaign interactions by applying re-attributed CPAs into the budget. The move increased traffic from generics keywords, and grew market share to drive up ROI by 25%.
Perhaps it's a byproduct of an ongoing push for transparency, but there is a need by marketers to gain a deeper understanding of customer and engagement strategies. Attribution still remains one of the least used tools by marketers. Some say it's the cost; others point to complexity. Those who do use attribution admit the metrics drive better return on investments. Google continues to focus on bringing marketers new tools to make sense of the complete customer journey.
Last week, Google launched a streamlined dashboard to manage Google Analytics administrative settings available through a new landing page that organizes the data into columns, corresponding to the most prominent objects in Analytics: accounts, properties and views, formerly known as profiles. In the coming weeks, creating a new account, property or view will require markets to click the specific menu in the column heading and to see the option that creates new objects.
Google also published a Webinar, along with a series of links to posts, explaining digital attribution to help marketers calculate the impact of digital marketing channels. Bill Kee, product manager for attribution and multichannel measurement, talks about the process of getting attribution modeling set up.
Kee explains the building blocks, how to determine the interaction or trigger for the actual conversion in the funnel, and whether adding code to the Web site slows page rendering speeds.