VW Launches Smiling App

  • August 6, 2013

Volkswagen is smiling. The automaker has a new app called SmileDrive, via Deutsch LA. The Bluetooth-enabled app records driving data and delivers a "Smile Score" and virtual bumper stickers touting the driver/owner's accomplishments. There's also a version of the “PunchDub” game the based a campaign on a few years back, where people can collect “punches” when they see another  Volkswagen driver, this time one who is using SmileDrive on the road. 

There's also a "Smilecast" travelogue that lets users grab such content as photos, maps of the trip, and status updates on a dedicated URL. 

There is a practical application as well, a "Find My Car" function, where, by logging the vehicle’s last position, and via Google Maps, a driver can find their car and get walking walking directions when available.





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